Mountain Route

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Mountain Route is a fictional road through different forests with different roads and includes a highway part. This is my first track I made with Race Track Builder and I hope you enjoy it.

Length: 23km
Pitboxes: 10
No AI and Cameras yet

– replaced the trees in the first part of the track
– new textures and track side objects
– new road textures and bumps

Future Plans:
– add a slower uphill part with a more narrow road to complete a loop

Thanks to Aleserx for help with textures.
Thanks to Flo, Glubschinski, Ozenfant and Romaen for testing.
Thanks to all for sharing their assets.

Warning: There are a lot of objects on the track and the performance is not the best. You can easily play it with a good pc but you can’t, if you have problems with other big mods. I do my best to improve the performance.

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