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Reiza have released a new video with Automobilista 2 VR footage. We’ll tell you here about some details around it, further news around Automobilista 2 …and we have a little surprise in store for you.
And here’s how you can get the Automobilista 1 Sim Key including the Season Pass:
Tell us in the comments of this post why YOU should be the one gettting it. We’ll the winner based on originality.
Please ensure your eMail address is correct in your user profile.
An while you’re at it, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and to subscribe to our YouTube channel – tho none of these will have any bearing in us choosing your entry over anybody else’s.
Get to it, petrolheads, and the chance to get this great game can be yours!
You have one week from now to participate!
(Raffle ends 09.07.2019)
Do you have your T-shirt already?
Come chat with us on Discord! We’re always there for you (unless we’re sleeping, that is…)
Leave a comment, your feedback is always welcome