von Ronald Brent | 3, 05, 2018 | Assetto Corsa, Videos
Wer Wert auf ein leichtes Leben legt, sollte Serta nicht nacheifern und versuchen, ein Rennen auf dem KTM X-Bow in Imola zu überleben. Er hat es kaum geschafft, und...
von Ronald Brent | 3, 05, 2018 | Assetto Corsa, Videos
If you value an easy live don’t emulate Serta trying to survive a race on the KTM X-Bow in Imola. He barely did, and...
von Ronald Brent | 27, 04, 2018 | Assetto Corsa, Videos
Serta’s Karriere geht weiter, immer noch mit straßentauglichen BMWs. Seine Lieblingsschikane erweist sich als...
von Ronald Brent | 27, 04, 2018 | Assetto Corsa, Videos
Serta’s career moves on, still BMW road legal cars. His favourite chicane proves tricky...
von Ronald Brent | 24, 04, 2018 | Assetto Corsa, Videos
Serta continues his trip to Down Under and checks Adelaide in 1988, 2011 and 2016. But not everything is right here… Download the mods free of charge Adelaide 1988 Adelaide 2011 Adelaide...
von Cynthia Bernhard | 23, 04, 2018 | Assetto Corsa, News, PS4, XBox
Users of XBox and PS4 rejoice. You can get the complete Assetto Corsa package in the “Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition” available now for your console. This edition includes all of the DLCs ever published (And as Kunos are working on...