The Roadmap, February Edition

The Roadmap, February Edition

Oh man, aren’t we busy bees at the moment! In preparation for our Open Beta scheduled for today we are cleaning up the theme finishing designs for Forums, Navigation, Articles and dowload pages making sure our Contact page and the Forum page for the Beta work...
The Roadmap, February Edition

The Roadmap, January Edition

The clock is ticking, petrolheads! We were expecting to be close to releasing the site to open beta, letting everyone wo wanders into this site to roam it’s empty halls and fill them with JOY and FUN! …but things are more difficult than they seem...
Die Roadmap, Neujahrsausgabe

Die Roadmap, Neujahrsausgabe

FROHES NEUES JAHR! Im Dezember haben wir wieder Fahrt aufgenommen, und die Dinge haben begonnen, sich in die richtige Richtung zu bewegen. Domain Zuerst einmal sind wir von unserem Testserver in unsere endgültige Domain umgezogen. Ab sofort sind wir unter...