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Oh man, aren’t we busy bees at the moment!
In preparation for our Open Beta scheduled for today we are
- cleaning up the theme
- finishing designs for Forums, Navigation, Articles and dowload pages
- making sure our Contact page and the Forum page for the Beta work
- continuing to upload Mods and have the database show you the pages we have checked for consistency (that’s the pages, not the mods. We have about 2.000 Mods – that’s almost impossible to test within our limited time)
- Working on having this site and our Youtube channel ready for the schedule OPENING on the 20th of March
- Getting in contact with companies that will deliver to us the info we and you so eagerly devour about sims, about computers, about periphery, about everything that has to do with our passion for racing
and a miriad of small touches.
We have also to find a way to make the site faster, which is easier said than done as we want to offer you a lot of possibilities, which in turn slow down the page. The Catch-22 every Website finds itself in.